Thursday, August 23, 2012

Friday Fun : Meet Brittany Booker!!

Please help me welcome, BRITTANY BOOKER, to the blog! She's got a real treat for all you Paranormal fans!! Her release date is a few months away but we've got a teasing blurb for you and the link to her publisher/ Buy Link!
You can follow  Brittany's Blog to keep updates on when you can order this great book!

Thanks for being here today, Brittany!  Love the cover ........(tee-hee) I can say that with pride because Kim Killion of Hot Damn Designs --where I work -- did the beautiful manchest;)
Was your road to publication a delightful stroll in the park or a tiring jog over hot coals?
 Oh, it was anything but easy. I was rejected so many times that I could receipt a rejection letter by heart. Black Opal gave me a chance no one else would.
What is the most difficult for you to write: Characters, conflict, emotions?
  Hmm. I would say emotions. The characters use a lot of dialect and that’s always easy for me. Emotions can be tricky; sometimes it’s so easy to repeat words when a character has a certain emotion. Publishers or readers do not like that, so it’s best to try to use a wide variety of words.
 Do you have critique partners?
  Jordy Albert, another jr. literary agent from the Corvisiero Literary Agency. I ask her to read over my things. She never has a problem with helping me and gives me her honest opinion. I love and appreciate her so much. 
If you were going to cast the hero of your book, what actor would get the part?
  I already know this one! Steven Strait. He would make an awesome Darrton. 
If you could time travel would you go forward or backward?
Definitely backwards. I would stop in the 80s because I love their clothing. But, I think I would like to go to the Victorian age, it sounds so beautiful.
 What was the best advice you were given leading you to getting published? 
I’m sure this is worn out, but don’t give up. Oh, and get over your work. Use the critiques people give you and go forward to your dreams

Damned Blurb

Elizabeth “Lizzie” Lawrence thinks her junior year in school is complete when her ex fling Trevor asks her out again.  But, oh, how she was wrong. Lizzie comes home to find Death of the four horsemen in her back yard. Darrton is arrogant, rude, self-centered, dangerously gorgeous and out to kill. Lizzie takes care of Darrton while he is healing from being damned to earth, but it has consequences she can only imagine. With Warren and Caden of the horsemen after her, Lizzie ends up making decisions that will save Darrton but curse her. Will their growing love for one another be enough to break the bond Lizzie will makes to save Darrton’s soul, or will she be damned just the same? 



  1. Thank you Jennifer for the exposure! I appreciate it, highly! :)It looks great! :)

  2. Emotions are hard for me too. I tend to have a lot of things happen in my characters' stomachs to describe fear, nerves, happiness, love... poor things need some Tums after I'm done with them :)

    Great interview, girls!

  3. Great interview!! I think emotion is a hard one. There are only so many things and words you can use.

    Can't wait to read this!
